Nuestro modelo de afiliación
Forme parte de nuestro Programa de Afiliación compartiendo su enlace exclusivo con su red de contactos. Comience a ganar comisiones en cuanto un operador se registre en el programa XVXT a través de su enlace.
Empiece en 3 sencillos pasos
Inscríbase en nuestro programa de afiliados
Comience rellenando nuestro formulario de solicitud para unirse al programa de afiliados.
Consiga su enlace único.
Comparta su enlace exclusivo en su sitio web, redes sociales u otros para empezar a ganar comisiones.
Traiga traders y genere beneficios.
Realice un seguimiento de la actividad de sus referidos y gane comisiones competitivas a medida que traiga traders a XVXT.
All content and data shared on our website are intended purely for educational insights related to the dynamics of the financial market. XVXT does not provide or insinuate financial, investment, tax, or other specific advisory services. Engaging in financial market activities, including simulated trading, poses a notable risk of loss. Past trading outcomes are not reflective of future results. Users are encouraged to operate with prudence, acknowledging that investment decisions remain solely at their discretion and risk. This platform’s information is not tailored for residents in any location where its distribution or utilization would be in violation of local laws or ordinances. X SHARPE LLC does not function as a broker and refrains from accepting any form of deposits.
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